7: Life Science: Ecosystem Variables

  • Due No due date
  • Points 3
  • Questions 3
  • Time Limit None


Greta and Scott did a field study with a park ranger to learn where black bears find salmonberries to eat in the forests of Washington. They did the following field study.

Field Study Question: How does the number of salmonberry plants change among different habitats?

salmonberry habitat.JPG



1. Go to the forest habitat. Record the location, date, and time.

2. Choose three different locations in the forest habitat. Mark each location with a flag and attach a 30-meter rope. Label the flags as Location 1, Location 2, and Location 3.

3. Using a compass, walk 30 meters north from Location 1. Mark the line walked with the rope.

4. Count the number of salmonberry plants that touch the 30-meter rope and record as Location 1.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for Locations 2 and 3 for the forest habitat.

6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for the stream bank and forest edge habitats.

7. Calculate and record the average number of salmonberry plants for each habitat.

habitat vs salmonberry plants.JPG

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